Personalised Dictionary Mug (FREE SHIPPING!)
A personalised name mug is a lovely way to let that special someone know what you think of them!
These personalised mugs make excellent gifts!
These 11oz mugs are designed in Melbourne, printed in Australia, designed for Australians!
The design will be printed on the front and back of the mug.
Production Time is approximately one week (please allow 2 weeks production time at peak times of year; Mother's Day, Father's Day and Christmas).
** Please note that Production Time excludes shipping/transit time. **
Shipping Time varies, depending on your location - anywhere between 2 business days to 8 business days.
Step 1. Type the name of the person.
Step 2. Type the phonetic pronunciation of their name.
Step 3. Choose your Name colour.
Step 4. Add your definitions (2-5 dot points work best).
Step 5. Confirmation if you would like your design emailed to you for approval before it's sent to print (noting that production time commences once you approve the design).
Step 6. Shipping Upgrade (optional).
To save both time and money, please note: MUGS WILL BE SHIPPED DIRECTLY FROM MY MANUFACTURER TO YOU.